




Thanks to higher sales exposure in China, the functional currency of Gourmet Master is RMB, which means sales from different areas will be calculated in RMB under our internal accounting system. We will convert all numbers from our accounting report into NTD with an exchange rate based on the average rate of each month.


1.大陸地區營收-人民幣表達(Monthly Sales in China in RMB)

單位Unit: RMB$,000

月份Month 2022 2021 月增率MoM% 年增率YoY%
1月January 210,913 222,594 -8.06 -5.25
2月February 203,671 209,954 -3.43 -2.99
3月March 193,395 229,525 -5.05 -15.74
4月April 116,489 209,609 -39.77 -44.43
5月May 176,414 214,016 51.44 -17.57
6月June 192,803 218,623 9.29 -11.81
7月July 197,707 222,864 2.54 -11.29
8月August 217,376 230,312 9.95 -5.62
9月September 226,760 240,332 4.32 -5.65
10月October 210,575 222,904 -7.14 -5.53
11月November 194,132 211,480 -7.81 -8.20
12月December 207,536 229,400 6.90 -9.53


2.其他地區營收-人民幣表達(Monthly Sales in other areas in RMB)

單位Unit: RMB$,000

月份Month 2022 2021 月增率MoM% 年增率YoY%
1月January 174,446 149,594 1.52 16.61
2月February 151,257 142,558 -13.29 6.10
3月March 167,957 159,441 11.04 5.34
4月April 166,106 164,249 -1.10 1.13
5月May 174,431 169,154 5.01 3.12
6月June 158,896 150,378 -8.91 5.66
7月July 171,627 161,622 8.01 6.19
8月August 174,918 166,144 1.92 5.28
9月September 172,690 159,624 -1.27 8.19
10月October 179,649 162,589 4.03 10.49
11月November 179,134 156,337 -0.29 14.58
12月December 196,506 171,828 9.70 14.36


3.合併營收-新台幣表達Consolidated Sales in NTD


A.本公司功能性貨幣為人民幣。The functional currency is RMB.

B.營收公告以新台幣表達,匯率轉換方式如下:Announcement of sales amount is reported in NTD as follows:

(1)月營收依每月平均匯率換算為台幣數。Monthly sales  are converted from RMB to NTD by the average rate of each month.

(2)各期累計營收依每期間平均匯率換算為台幣數。The number of accumulated sales is converted from RMB to NTD by the  average rate of each period.

單位Unit: NT$,000

月份Month 2022 2021 月增率MoM% 年增率YoY% 平均匯率(人民幣兌台幣)  RMB to NTD on the average rate of the period
1月January 1,676,313 1,634,278 -4.07 2.57 4.3500
2月February 1,559,556 1,545,411 -6.97 0.92 4.3940
3月March 1,617,049 1,693,560 3.69 -4.52 4.4750
4月April 1,277,047 1,619,180 -21.03 -21.13 4.5190
5月May 1,543,018 1,662,192  20.83 -7.17 4.3980
6月June 1,555,213 1,595,193 0.79 -2.51 4.4220
7月July 1,636,887 1,660,979 5.25 -1.45 4.4320
8月August 1,733,154 1,705,554 5.88 1.62 4.4180
9月September 1,774,757 1,717,413 2.40 3.34 4.4430
10月October 1,732,985 1,677,278 -2.35 3.32 4.4410
11月November 1,634,157 1,600,740 -5.70 2.09 4.3780
12月December 1,774,550 1,747,348 8.59 1.56 4.3920